Taking a break from business: I took 4 weeks away from client projects, emails and social media this summer. Here’s what I learned.

I took 4 weeks away from client projects, emails and social media this summer. I deleted the apps off my phone and I didn’t open my laptop.

Here’s what I learned and what will help me for next time (because yes, I will do it again).

  1. Plan ahead. I knew from January that I’d be taking the Summer out, so I could plan my year and flow of client projects around that block of time. I explain my availability to my clients well ahead, so no one’s surprised or disappointed. Often my clients open up rich coaching conversations about their desires for extended time out and how they’re going to make that happen. I planned a mid-point check in, to be back at my laptop to pick up new queries (there were some) and any urgent pieces (just a couple) and to check in with my team (always lovely).

  2. Cold turkey is painful. The first few days of the break I was constantly mindlessly reaching for my phone to click, scroll, check, connect ….driven to get the dopamine hit of likes and strokes and responses. I find these first few days of a detox really shocking as I realise the extent of my addiction to my phone!

  3. Then it gets easier. The grip of work deadlines, expectations, other people’s dramas, spikes of comparison, the shoulds/ oughts, ebbs away. I start to focus on my own life, my own present, the people I love around me, the flow of rest/ play/ adventure/ fun of summer.

  4. Then it gets blissful. Better sleep. Feeling more present. Finding deep joy in nature and small tasks like shopping and cooking. Being in my body. Reading beautifully-written novels. Noticing my mind more focused and attentive. Connecting on a soul level with global events and their implications. Allowing myself to be in the season of Winter.

  5. Then it gets disruptive. I’m always curious what new ideas/ thoughts/ insights/ feelings/ realisations will come up when I create this kind of space. This can be super hard. I’ve spent the rest of the year being too busy to listen and now here’s a space…. what will my body/ mind/ soul/ unconscious bring to my attention?! Dynamics in my marriage, in my parenting, in my giving … when we step back we get to see and reconnect with the bigger picture of our lives, reconnect with what’s most important to us and those we love, notice the patterns, rhythms and behaviours that are shaping our day to day choices. This is often (for me) painful. And its welcome and necessary.

  6. You will recalibrate. You will not be the same. You’ll notice realignments, new commitments, subtle tin of focus, new nuances in your awareness. This is precious, embrace it all. You may create new commitments and boundaries for yourself as you re-engage and shift back into ‘in’ and ‘on’ mode.

  7. Re-entry is hard. It’s disorienting to jump back into spaces that feel like 100mph when we’ve slowed down a few gears. I planned some slower, gentler days to ease ‘back in’ and actually got covid instead! That enforced rest has extended the break and I’ve resurfaced very slowly onto social media and back to emails.

  8. More please. I’m not planning another 4 week break until next year, but I’m considering how I can build in mini social media detoxes and complete step away into my weekly and monthly rhythms for the year ahead.


Over to you:

Do you want to take an extended time away from social media, or from running your business? It’s super important to listen to that desire, that small whisper. Give that longing and yearning some space and see what possibility thinking it opens up for you… Can you start with a day detox? A day a month? A week in the holidays?

Which of these tips are helpful for you? Do reach out if you’d like to know more or you’d like my encouragement to go for it!

How do you plan and manage your time out and away from your work, business and social media? Any tips to add? I’d love to hear your experiences.

Your next steps

🚀 Join the waitlist for Katy’s next Change Makers programme here.

🍃 Join Katy’s next 1/4 ly Reset event here – it’s a calm pause, a guided reflection to review your progress and reset your energy and focus for the next few months. It’s the perfect antidote to comparisonitis.

📘 Order your copy of Change Makers a Woman's Guide to Stepping UP Without Burning Out here. 

katy murray