Why I march and why I retreat
It’s been a yin and yang of a month.
Grief and despair. Overwhelm and slump. No words at unspeakable horrors. Witnessing anyway. Seeking solidarity.
On Saturday I marched.
On Sunday I retreated.
Both felt really really good!
Have you been on a march? Or a retreat? Done both on the same weekend?!
This is why I retreat:
REST and RECHARGE my body and mind, to fill my cup, to replenish my energy for the work I do in the world.
NURTURE and HEAL and SOOTHE my overly activated nervous system.
RELEASE emotion that I’ve stored up/ parked/ suppressed!
find CLARITY - when we calm our nervous systems we can tune into our inner wisdom with crystal precision - clarity and focus kapow!
CONNECT with like-minded women and feel the fire and love of collective energy
hold SPACE for other women to do all of the above!
“When I cannot say all is well or all is known, help me say all is held, so I never believe all is lost.” @cobbleworks
Wanna retreat with me?
Look out for more ROAR women’s retreats that I co-host with Cat in Windermere for 2024.
Join me to close out your year at Winter Reset on Monday 18 December 7-8.30. I lead you through a guided reflection to gather your highs, lows and learnings from 2023 (you’ll leave with GOLDen insights) and set you up for 2024 (you’ll leave feeling refreshed and at peace). Virtual session and you get the replay to watch and keep. Secure your spot here.
If you’d like to retreat with me and your BUSINESS I’m hosting a CEO Supercharge retreat day on 4 January, in Kendal, Lake District, 10am-3pm. Reconnect with your CEO mindset, set yourself up for success your way in 2024. A beautiful group of women is forming, come join us.
This is Why I March:
PROTEST the issue itself. The bombardment of Gaza, oil companies disregard for the climate crisis, LGBTQAI+ rights, women’s safety on the streets. Wherever I can add my voice and my physical body.
EMBODY our rights to protest (that our current UK government is slowly chipping away).
feel CONNECTED and LESS ALONE with issues I care about.
show SOLIDARITY with others who are hurting.
ENERGISE myself by feeling collective rage, despair, hope, momentum.
So I don’t lose my HUMANITY.
And honestly now I have the space, bandwidth and daily context and life stage to do it.
Participating in a march is an incredibly enriching and enlivening experience and I want to be ALIVE in my life.
I know that my liberation is bound up with yours (Lilla Watson) that if I say silent around issues of injustice I side with the oppression (Desmond Tutu), that my silence is violence and that we get free together (Audre Lorde).
A man stood in front of the White House, night after night during the Vietnam War, holding a lighted candle. One very rainy night, a reporter asked him, "do you really think you're going to change the policies of this country by standing out here alone at night with a candle?"
He replied "I don’t do it to change the country, I do it so the country won’t change me. I will do my small part every day to stay human, to stay awake and tender, so the world doesn't wear away my humanity."
Wanna march with me?
🪧Find your nearest march for Gaza via Palestine SOlidaory Campaign
Can’t march?
✍️Keep writing to your MP/ calling your representative Here's where to go and use this template. It's making a difference.
♥Keep educating yourself about how racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism shows up in our communities ... hate crimes towards Jews and Muslims are increasing. Speak up for compassion and empathy.
🗣️Elevate voices speaking peace and seeking a shared solution.
Stay awake, stay tender friends
Let’s stay connected:
Do you get my weekly newsletter Catalyst Notes? Get on the list here for weekly coaching prompts, change maker activation, leadership and resilience strategies.
Get your copy of my book Change Makers a Woman’s Guide to Stepping Up without Burning Out at work here.
Connect with me on Linked In and Instagram.
Three Ways To Work With Katy in 2024:
Join Change Makers Collective
Change Makers Collective is a safe and brave recharge space, with regular bitesize virtual sessions with Katy, and alongside other like-minded awesome women, to top up your batteries, elevate your thinking and supercharge your change making leadership and resilience. Centre your wellbeing and joy, while expanding your voice, visibility and impact. We detox and disrupt together!
Get all the info on Change Makers Collective here. the next cohort starts in Jan 2024.
Invite Katy to speak at your event, keynote or panel
Topics include women’s leadership, equity and inclusion, identity power and privilege, all interactive, engaging, intersectional, expect compassionate challenge!
Contact Katy on katy@katycatalyst.com to discuss your event.
1-1 as your personal coach
I’m in your corner resourcing you in your leadership, wellbeing and resilience. Expect elevated thinking, laser clarity, momentum and fast results.