Prompts for When the News is Heavy
*What are you feeling … How can you lean into the feelings of helplessness, disempowerment, anger, outrage, turbulence, despair, grief… and allow them to move through you…
*What helps you feel, process and release these emotions - dancing, singing, breathing, being in nature, talking with a friend, praying, meditating, moving your body…. repeat daily!
*Notice where you feel you need to be the rescuer, the savior, to do something. What is that about for you?
*Notice where you feel the need to jump in, to share your ‘hot take’, to tell everyone else what to think, to put others right, to be the expert. What is that about for you?
*Where’s the opportunity to educate yourself - what do you not know about this situation. What is this situation revealing to you about your privilege, where you can disrupt bias. Who are you learning from, do they look and sound like you? Where can you find alternative viewpoints to deepen your understanding.
*Where does your anger take you? What is your best next action step? Join a march, write to your MP/ call your representative, donate, speak up and use your voice, elevate under-represented voices.
*Where can you find togetherness, collective energy … being in spaces with others that connect you to your empathy, your agency, your humanity.
*Who else do you know who’s hurting? How can you lean into holding space for grief with them? Where can you offer your kindness, your listening ear, your loving arms for a hug, your presence.
*What does it mean for you to listen, to hold space for grief, to witness. What comes up for you.
*How can you find lightness and joy, presence and connectedness in your here-and-now life this week. How can you care for yourself when things are heavy.
*When you’re ready to do some deeper analysis, and zoom out of this particular situation…. what power structures do you notice? Who is this situation benefitting? Who’s telling the story? What voices are missing? What does this situation reveal to you and show you about systems of oppression everywhere.
Lilla Watson reminds us that ‘my liberation is bound up with yours’.
We get free together.
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