Reflections on visibility, profile and voice now that Change Makers is 2 months out in the world

There’ve been so many highlights since Change Makers a Woman’s Guide to Stepping Up without Burning Out was published.

London Book Fair, WHSmith Travel selecting Change Makers as a business pick, signing copies in Waterstones, seeing all your beautiful faces and places where the book's ending up (so much joy), 6 parties on the book launch tour (!), keynoting a women's network event in Kenya, guesting on brilliant podcasts, meeting new readers at events, seeing your comments and hearing what's resonating most for you from the book (this is honestly the BEST), 5⭐️ reviews, publishing in US and Canada, you telling me you're buying copies for sisters, colleagues and friends, publisher selling out of copies, launching the inaugural Change Makers programme, Change Makers picked for book clubs and women’s leadership events, writing over 20 articles and featuring in Grazia, Metro, I Paper, Psychologies Magazine ..... it's been a WHOOSH of intensity!

I'm so grateful for all your support. Every book bought, review on Amazon, like/ comment/ share of my posts, picture makes a difference - I'm learning that it's all a big build

Noticing 2 things as I share this with you.

Because we need to guard our hearts so we can stay open and curious around others' 'success', right? We are sooo conditioned for comparison and competition... so just notice what's coming up for you as we talk about this together (use the reflection prompts in Chapter 7 of Change Makers, if this is feeling tender).

1.     these are the HIGHlights

If I was making a LOWlights reel (which I'm happy to do, I just didn't get any pics of these particularly sh**tty moments!) it would include:

*crying hot tears of frustration lost for hours in a Microsoft Helpdesk doom spiral as my work email was taken out of action for 3 weeks just before publication date

*more tears  - this time with my IT tech support, poor guy - when my email system froze the week of the first book parties because we'd so many new subscribers - a beautiful challenge to have and super stressful when I was on a very tight deadline

*saying 'no' to a Forbes feature, despite this kind of opportunity being something on my vision board for years (this low point became a really powerful learning moment - a story for another day)

*a LOT of days completely wiped on the sofa, battery energy FLAT, barely able to cook tea or put washing on .... grateful that my kids love fish fingers and binge watching Bridgeton, Better Things and Chivalry for the win.

The highs and the lows, the ebbs and the flows. This is why I talk about seasons and energy so much! My HIGHlights reel is me in full throttle SUMMER. The energy is ON and OUT. I've also needed time in Winter and Autumn over these months, and where I've not given attention to those energy needs, things have gone off kilter! Use the reflection prompts in Chapter 2 if you'd like to explore seasons more.

2.     These HIGHlights come after years of intentional focus

In mine and my clients' experience the 'big wins' are always on the back of many many many days, months, maybe even years of consistent, persistent showing up for your dreams .... it's all the small, small steps.

And no one's watching those or celebrating those right?!

Celebrating your small wins, the wins along the way, the wins that no-one else sees or acknowledges is an essential practice (and it's in Chapter 4 !)

And this also means that if you look at some, or all, or any, of this story from my life (or anyone else's) and feel that tweak of desire for yourself, then you can. You can connect with your own desires. If you have something you want to build or create, then you can. More in Chapters 4 and 5 my friends!

3.     These highlights also come alongside many ‘nos’

Since starting work on the book, through proposal, writing, publishing stages I’ve experienced more rejections, people unwilling or unable to help or collaborate, doors I’ve pushed that haven’t opened, than ever in my life. I’m realising that rejection is part of the process of making stuff happen. Each of these ‘no’s can still sting, I’m learning to feel the sting and move on!


Over to you:

💡What's provoked you by me sharing these HIGHlights and some of the layers beneath?

💡What do you notice? 

💡How can you be extra gentle and compassionate with yourself? What’s a curious gentle next step that YOU can take?

Your next steps

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🍃 Join Katy’s next 1/4 ly Reset event here – it’s a calm pause, a guided reflection to review your progress and reset your energy and focus for the next few months. It’s the perfect antidote to comparisonitis.

🚀 Join the waitlist for Katy’s next Change Makers programme here.

📘 Order your copy of Change Makers a Woman's Guide to Stepping UP Without Burning Out here. The book explores the inner work to build our confidence, deal with imposter syndrome, dial up our voice and visibility so we can make progress and take big leaps in our professional development and change making.

katy murray